Year 1 and Year 2 Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) courses

Cartoon-like illustration of 2 people seated talking to each other with a 2-directional arrow between them
In Dialogue holds an ANZACAT affiliated CAT practitioner training course – get in touch if you are interested.
Both year 1 and year 2 offer workshop material of 50 hours (in each year) provided through pre-recorded modules with short assessment tasks alongside real time reading and mapping seminars. The courses are designed for the busy practitioner where you can view the workshops in your own time (to a course schedule) and provide feedback through assessment tasks and seminar groups.
Both courses value community learning and will encourage attendance at seminar groups and online community feedback alongside your CAT group supervision. The courses ask you to engage and fund your ANZACAT approved supervisor separately and will recommend ANZACAT approved supervisors. 40 sessions a year are required of group supervision.

Year 1 costs approx $3200 and year 2 also costs $3200.00 (inc GST). Your CAT supervision to be funded separately. You will have access to the course material for 12 months so you can repeat workshops and view at times that fit to your schedule. There is concession price for In Dialogue Practice practitioners – please let  know if you require concession.

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