About In Dialogue
In Dialogue is a therapy centre that operates on the premise/belief that we can only make sense of ourselves, and what is troubling us, in a respectful and collaborative space with another person.
Founded in 2015, In Dialogue is a practice where the relational framework from Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) is used to explore and understand a client’s experience while using evidence-based therapeutic interventions best suited to their needs.
In Dialogue also specialises in providing services and education using Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) and its relational perspective.
Our Vision
Our vision is to bring the “spirit” of Cognitive Analytic Therapy to therapeutic practice and understanding. The collaborative and relational aspect of Cognitive Analytic Therapy is not only used in counselling but to assist people to make decisions around care that is respectful and compassionate.
Our Mission
In Dialogue aims to provide counselling, consultation and training that is high-quality, humane and collaborative. Our staff take into account the whole person experience and work with clients and their support network under the relational model that is Cognitive Analytic Therapy.
Our Values
- COLLABORATION – we acknowledge that working together yields better results
- RESPECT – we seek to create and maintain respectful relationships that acknowledge our value and self-worth.
- GENUINENESS – we will be open, honest and ethical with ourselves, with each other and the people we work with.
- POSITIVITY – we hold hope that change is possible and that people can live full and rich lives.
- DIVERSITY – we recognise and celebrate the value of diversity in our lives and community.
- QUALITY – we maintain commitment to delivering high quality services through ongoing learning, openness to feedback, innovation and reflective practice.