
Lee Crothers (she/her)

Director, In Dialogue Practice
Psychotherapist & Occupational Therapist

Only offering professional supervision 

I enjoy working alongside people to reflect and learn new ways of being or coping while adapting and using the skills they already possess. In setting up In Dialogue we are creating a collaborative place where people, both providing or receiving therapy, feel they have a say in the process.

Over twenty years of clinical experience help me recognise and understand the challenges people face and what care they may need.  I was one of the first clinicians in Australia to become an accredited Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) practitioner and offer training and professional supervision as well as therapy.

I am currently Chair of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Cognitive Analytic Therapy (ANZACAT), and am passionate about the relational approach CAT provides to therapy as well as applying this approach when considering complex issues as it provides a humane and compassionate lens. CAT is not the only model that I use as I am experienced in using CBT, MBT and DBT skills but my main approach is guided by a relational understanding of things.

I am experienced and enjoy working with teenagers and adults with mood and anxiety difficulties, eating disorders, personality disorders, stress and relationship problems.  In addition, I am experienced in working with people from diverse cultural backgrounds and/or those who identify as gender diverse/gender neutral or same sex attracted/bisexual.

In Dialogue also provides learning opportunities for professionals wanting to know more about Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) and its application to their work setting. See our Consultation & Training section for more information. If you would like to be kept informed about upcoming training opportunities please contact In Dialogue to be added to our email subscription list.